‘It’s complicated’: Teachers’ Strategies to Deal with the Challenges of the Online EFI Teaching
1Sri Wahyu Utami,2Siti Masrifatul Fitriyah,3Siti Sundari
1,2,3Language and Arts Education Department, Jember University, Jember, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i1-76

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The pandemic of Covid-19 has affected the education system, particularly in Indonesia. All teaching and learning activities should be set in an online learning environment. This situation requires the teachers to change their strategy in the learning and teaching process. This study aims to find out the challenges and also the strategies to deal with the challenges of teaching English in an online setting. The study applied a case study research design using a documentary video and semi-structured interview. The study showed that the teachers faced some challenges in online classes such as difficulty in monitoring the students, the lack of students’ motivation, the student’s network instability, and lack of students’ participation. The results of the study also indicates that the teachers applied the strategies in online setting classes such as combining synchronous and synchronous, playing a song, using other learning applications, giving an additional score, etc.


Challenges, Coping Strategies, Indonesian EFL, Pandemic Covid-19, Online Teaching


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